Monday, August 16, 2010

Many doctors play down the possible side effects of prostate cancer treatment on men's sex lives, for fear they'll be scared off, a world leader in the field has told an international conference on the Gold Coast.

Professor Peter Scardino from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York says while doctors mention the possibility of sex problems they often tend to gloss over them.

"When a man's initially diagnosed with prostate cancer, particularly if he's sexually active, his concerns about his sexual wellbeing tend to dominate his rational assessment of the risk of the cancer," he said.

"Since all the treatments for prostate cancer can have an adverse affect on sexual function, doctors tend to be reluctant to overly describe the possibilities because patients can get very much afraid of treatment.

"There has been a bit of a tradition in the field of minimising the side effects and quoting only the best possible results, or talking about partial sexual function as thought it's full sexual function."

Director of the Sloan-Kettering centre's sexual and reproductive medicine program Dr John Mulhall says GPs have a responsibility to educate their patients.

"It's surprising to me how many men I see after radical prostate surgery who are unaware they will not ejaculate again," he said.

"While some doctors don't mention this there are some patients who are so stressed before surgery they simply forget what they've been told."

Dr Rosie King from the Sydney Centre for Sexual Relationship Therapy says many men find themselves facing a menage a trois of taboos when they try to find out what they're facing.

"You've got a triple whammy going here because you've got one unspeakable and that's the Big C because people are very uncomfortable talking about cancer.

"There's the issue of death, which is another taboo conversation topic, and added to that is the taboo of talking about sex, and these can be difficult for many men to talk about either with their health care professional or their partners."

Dr King said men need to remember that prostate cancer is very treatable and in many cases may not need any treatment at all.

"In some men who have a slow growing cancer the best course may be simply watchful waiting - monitoring the disease."


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